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    The health and development of children and young people can have far reaching consequences later on, both physically and mentally. Find out about the priorities of local people we spoke to about this issue.
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    We spoke to local families about their experiences of Health Visiting services. We asked them if they understood the role of the Health Visitor (HV) and the kind of service they should expect from them. Find out what they said.
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    Read more about the experiences of mental health for new parents in Wandsworth. Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences we have a number of recommendations to improve perinatal mental health support in Wandsworth.
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    Read on to find out about what our collaborations with the community have achieved over the past year.
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    Read about the experiences people have shared with us about managing their mental health and emotional wellbeing as they become parents.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth wanted to find out the experiences of people regarding health and social care services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We opened a COVID19 survey in May 2020 based on Healthwatch England’s survey with some minor adjustments.
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    In July 2020 we worked with SWL CCG (Wandsworth) to develop an independent survey for care home staff. Read our report about how well staff in care homes felt supported to care for their residents and to look after themselves during the pandemic.
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    Read more about the experiences of people living in Wandsworth about what they feel has worked well or less well for health and social care services during the coronavirus pandemic and how things should develop in the future.
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    At the Healthwatch Wandsworth Assembly we talked about health inequalities; we considered practical steps to reduce health inequalities and looked at a flagship project to tackle ethnicity inequalities in mental health.
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    Read more about the experiences of people living in Wandsworth and neighbouring boroughs about managing Long Covid or long-term effects of another virus, and about the health and social care available in the borough for these conditions.
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    We talked about health inequalities, particularly mental health inequalities at our Assembly in September 2021. Read our discussions about how we can encourage trust between staff and patients and ensure that people are listened to and valued.
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    We caught up with those working in health and care to develop support for Long Covid to find out how things have changed or improved.