1. Report -

    Recent statistics have shown that the suicide rate in Wandsworth has increased. However, if the right support is available and accessible at the right time, suicide can be preventable. Find out what local people told us about the subject.
  2. Report -

    Research indicates that members of the LGBT+ community have higher instances of mental health problems than the rest of the population. We heard from the local LGBT+ community about their experiences and mental health.
  3. Report -

    We had a busy event on 30th November 2016, we heard about many topics from a new mental health talking therapy service to larger scale plans to improve local health and care. If you want to catch-up on these topics, then read on.
  4. Report -

    Wandsworth has a higher proportion of obese children than the England average and low levels of awareness about obesity and the many related health risks presents a serious local and national challenge. Hear local views on the topic in our report.