Extended GP Opening Hours in Wandsworth

Good news - If you are registered with a GP in Wandsworth you can now book an appointment between the hours of 8am and 8pm.
Picture of GP and patient

GP Access Hubs have been set up within Wandsworth to give patients better access to primary care services. The hubs are open extended hours, which means it's easier for you to get an appointment at a time that suits you. 

If there are no available appointments at your usual surgery or if the practice is closed, call 111 for more information about using the hubs and to get help with booking an appointment.

All GP surgeries in Wandsworth are connected to the same IT network, meaning your medical records can be accessed and updated, no matter which doctor you see. Your medical records will only be shared between your practice and the hub if you have not actively opted out of data sharing. If you are unsure, please speak to your registered GP.

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