A Young Person's Guide to Mental Health Services

Ever wondered how to navigate the world of mental health services, or how to find exactly what you're looking for?
Group of young people

Many young people struggle to find the right services to

  • Get advice and support.
  • Get help.
  • Get further support.

This guide contains contact information for the different areas of mental health service provision, as well as information on how to get emergency help and a literal map of where in the borough certain services are located.

Everyone has Mental Health! We all need a little help sometimes. Let us help you out!

Advice and support

Feeling low but not sure why? Just want someone to help you understand what’s going on?

Getting help

Been feeling this way for quite a while? Want some more targeted support to help you understand how you are feeling?

Further support

Struggling with overwhelming thoughts and feelings and need specific help?

For more information on services that offer an extra level of help a handy map and guide has been created, which you can share with your colleagues, family and friends.

Find out more

If you need more information please contact us.