DIY For better health & wellbeing

Do you look after yourself? Find out more the many ways you keep yourself healthy.
Picture of healthy food

How you can care for yourself?

Self Care is all about living well and staying as healthy as possible by choosing to eat healthily, to be active and to self-treat common ailments.

Some simple steps to better Self Care are:

  • Eat well - it is vitally important to eat healthily and to avoid too much salt, fat and sugar.
  • Gain knowledge of, plus skills and confidence in managing any health conditions you have. 
  • Move more – you don’t even have to join a gym - take a brisk walk, do some gardening, leave the car at home, take the stairs etc.
  • One of the best things you can do for your health is to stop smoking.
  • Sleep – a good night’s sleep is essential to good health so make sure you get at least 7 hours sleep a night.
  • Drink less alcohol – most of us don’t realise how much we drink. Keep track by downloading the free ‘One You Drink Free Days' app.
  • Connect – with the people around you: your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.
  • Learning new skills can give you a sense of achievement and a new confidence.
  • Relax – we sometimes forget to take time out to relax, but relaxation is essential for our physical and mental wellbeing.

For more information

Find out more about the local programmes and support available in Wandsworth or get useful tips on how to live a healthier life.