1. Report -

    Read about where we will focus our work in 2022-3.
  2. Advice and Information -

    We’ve been hearing a lot about the ‘cost of living crisis’ and want to monitor the impact that it may have on the health of local people and their access to health and social care.
  3. News -

    Here are some resources available to help local people with the cost of living
  4. Report -

    We brought people with sight loss together to learn about digital technology and local organisations that can support people to find technology that can benefit their daily lives. Read more about what we discussed and some recommendations.
  5. Report -

    At our assembly we talked about health inequalities and projects that focus on getting people involved in tackling health inequalities. Find out what our attendees recommended for working with communities to tackle the issue.
  6. News -

    This discussion document sets out the proposed priorities for the South West London Integrated Care System.
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    This week is Volunteers Week and we wanted to look at volunteering as a way to connect to others in the community.
  8. Report -

    Read on to find out about what our collaborations with the community have achieved over the past year.
  9. News -

    St. John's Ambulance want to ensure that no one dies through lack of first aid provision. Making their training accessible to everyone is a critical part of this mission so they have released a first aid training video in British Sign Language.
  10. Report -

    We went to speak to people at the Gwyneth Morgan Day Centre. Read our report about what people told us and what the service have said about it.
  11. News -

    The V&A museum has curated an exhibition of curious objects that take you on a journey through the hidden past of the Caribbean.
  12. Report -

    Thanks to people who spoke to us about caring for someone who was discharged from hospital, we have influenced a wide number of developments in support for carers and people discharged from hospital.
  13. Report -

    Read about the experiences people have shared with us about managing their mental health and emotional wellbeing as they become parents.
  14. Report -

    Read about our Enter and View visit to Springfield Village in November 2023 where we spoke to service users, carers, staff and others about the redevelopment.
  15. News -

    Healthwatch Sutton, together with the other Healthwatch organisations in South West London (Healthwatch Croydon, Merton, Kingston, Richmond, Wandsworth), are currently working with patients, carers, and GP practices on a project about the Accessible Information Standard.
  16. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth (HWW) are looking for ways to engage with Wandsworth residents online whilst we are in self-isolate. We want to hear about what you are doing to ‘keep well’ during these testing times.
  18. Advice and Information -

    We explain why it’s important to have a plan in place, should you or a loved one become critically ill with coronavirus.
  19. Advice and Information -

    We’re here to help during this difficult time. On this page we have collected information about services you can access during the Coronavirus lockdown.

  20. News -

    The public is being asked to share details of people they've been in close contact with, if they test positive for Covid-19 as part of the next stage of dealing with the pandemic.
  21. News -

    Although most legal restrictions have been lifted at Step 4 and many people have been vaccinated, it is still possible to catch and spread COVID-19, even if you are fully vaccinated.
  22. Advice and Information -

    We have heard that the pandemic lockdown has been a difficult time for many carers. Below is some information we hope will be helpful for carers locally. 
  23. News -

    Share your story to help services learn and improve from the experiences of people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds during COVID-19.
  24. News -

    We are appealing for people in Wandsworth to share their experiences of accessing health and care during coronavirus.
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    To respond to coronavirus, hospitals in Wandsworth had to quickly change. Tell us how this has affected the care you or your loved one has received.
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    Take a look at what the guidance around visiting your loved ones in care homes means in practice.
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    The Government’s new Obesity Strategy aims to get the nation fit and healthy in order to protect people against COVID-19 and protect the NHS.
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    The usual processes the NHS follows to discharge you from hospital have changed during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what you can expect when it’s time to leave hospital.
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    As part of the NHS is here for you campaign, the NHS in Wandsworth have created a short film offering reassurance to local people that it is safe to return to the NHS for treatment.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth want to hear more about your experiences of video or telephone appointments with health and social care services.
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    NHS General Dental Services are operating at significantly reduced capacity due to social distancing and infection prevention.
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    The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against coronavirus. The following information is from the NHS.
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  34. News -

    New appeal from Healthwatch Wandsworth for people in Wandsworth to share their experiences of accessing health and care since Covid19.
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    At the Healthwatch Wandsworth Assembly we talked about what our focus on health and social care should be in 2021. Attendees helped us set our priorities for public and patient participation and involvement this year.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth & Wandsworth Carers Centre Co-hosted a Coffee Morning for Wandsworth Carers (March 2021)
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    If you have had signs and symptoms following a viral infection, including Covid-19, which continues for more than 12 weeks, we want to hear from you to help improve support services.
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    To make it easier to get your COVID-19 jab, SWLCCG are opening walk-in clinics all over Southwest London.

    Some clinics aren’t open to everyone – for instance, some are for a certain age group – so please read the clinic details carefully.
  39. News -

    England moves to lift more Covid-19 restrictions. Everyone should be cautious whilst managing the risks as cases of COVID-19 remain high. Find out what will change and what you should do to protect yourself and others.
  40. Report -

    At the Healthwatch Wandsworth Assembly we talked about health inequalities; we considered practical steps to reduce health inequalities and looked at a flagship project to tackle ethnicity inequalities in mental health.
  41. Report -

    Read more about the experiences of people living in Wandsworth and neighbouring boroughs about managing Long Covid or long-term effects of another virus, and about the health and social care available in the borough for these conditions.
  42. News -

    You may have heard a lot in the news about the various difficulties patients face in getting appointments or progress on their health and care management. Read more about the situation locally.
  43. Report -

    We talked about health inequalities, particularly mental health inequalities at our Assembly in September 2021. Read our discussions about how we can encourage trust between staff and patients and ensure that people are listened to and valued.
  44. News -

    South West London webinars with a local GP on how people can stay well over the festive period
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    For decades, vaccinations have protected children and young people from potentially serious diseases, including measles, flu, meningitis and mumps. The Covid-19 vaccination will help to protect young people against Coronavirus. 
  46. News -

    Six borough leisure centres are offering a service providing therapy for people affected by COVID-19 or Long-COVID.