1. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit three senior health wards at St George’s Hospital, Tooting to talk to patients and carers in September 2017.
  2. Report -

    We focused on young people's mental health at our Assembly in May. We heard about local services and discussed new plans to improve support. Read more about it if you were not able to attend.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Do you need help choosing the right care home?
  4. Report -

    The government has begun a consultation on its plans to improve mental health support for children and young people.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Bowel cancer is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer but it is treatable and curable especially if diagnosed early.
  6. Report -

    GP appointments in the UK are the shortest in Europe, so we tried to find out how people can maximise the benefit of time spent with their GP. Read more about what local people told us.
  7. Report -

    The health and development of children and young people can have far reaching consequences later on, both physically and mentally. Find out about the priorities of local people we spoke to about this issue.
  8. Advice and Information -

    Mental health is consistently one of the top issues people tell their local Healthwatch about. Over one million adults in England currently use NHS mental health services, but what should they expect when it comes to the care they receive?
  9. Report -

    We wanted to start a conversation about health inequalities in Wandsworth. Find out more about what health inequalities are like in Wandsworth.
  10. Report -

    In May 2018, we held one of our quarterly events which members of the public attended to discuss health inequalities in Wandsworth. Read about what people said in our report.
  11. Report -

    Many people want to know where to go when they need urgent health advice, treatment and care at any time of the day or night. Find out about how our report highlights some important consideration for people designing the urgent care system.
  12. Report -

    Each year we publish an annual report so that you know what your local health and care champion have been doing and what we are planning for the next year. Hear about our fifth year in our annual report.
  13. Report -

    Intermediate Care (IC) is intended to be a range of integrated services that promote faster recovery from illness; prevent unnecessary acute hospital admissions and premature admissions to long-term care and support timely discharge from hospital.
  14. News -

    Talk Wandsworth Wellbeing Team are now offering a series of wellbeing workshops designed to support your specific mental health needs.
    The workshops are all free to attend, and will be run regularly throughout the year.
  15. Report -

    At our events we often hear that communication with healthcare professionals could be better.
    In September 2018, local people discussed how professionals could better
    listen to our feedback and involve us in decisions.
  16. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth decided to visit Wandsworth prison to find out more about the quality of services, particularly for more disadvantaged groups such as older prisoners or those with mental health problems. Read our report on our findings.
  17. Report -

    At our event in September 2018 we discussed communication with healthcare professionals and about what is important when we want to give feedback or raise a complaint. If you couldn't attend you can find out more in our report below.
  18. News -

    Healthwatch England spoke to more than 5000 people from 27 communities across England about their experiences caring for a friend or loved one.
  19. Advice and Information -

    Your health and adult social care information is important to the NHS as it helps them research, plan and improve health and care services in England.
  20. Advice and Information -

    Do you, or someone you know, need help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability? Read about the new guide that could help you.
  21. Advice and Information -

    Are you seeking a safe place to have difficult conversations with people? Wandsworth Mediation Service can provide a safe place for people in conflict to come together
  22. Advice and Information -

    A new sexual health clinic, offering confidential and fully-integrated sexual health and contraception services opened at Falcon Rd in Clapham Junction on 19 November 2018.

    Find out more about the clinic times at the new location.
  23. News -

    Matt Hancock, the Minister for Health and Social Care, has announced the government's plans to address the nation's health concerns.
  24. Advice and Information -

    Do you look after yourself? Find out more the many ways you keep yourself healthy.
  25. Advice and Information -

    Ever wondered how to navigate the world of mental health services, or how to find exactly what you're looking for?
  26. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  27. News -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth have a survey live now to find out what the most important health and social care issues are to focus on for Wandsworth.
  28. Report -

    Read about how the cost of living crisis is impacting the daily lives of people in Wandsworth.
  29. Report -

    We are grateful to the carers supporting their friends and family in Wandsworth who attended our December 2023 event focused on improving arrangements for leaving hospital.
  30. News -

    We collaborated with the Asian community and organisations supporting the health of our community to find solutions to increase how many people in the Asian community are supported by cervical cancer screening.
  31. News -

    The cost-of-living crisis has become a huge worry for individuals and families across the UK. The rising cost of energy and everyday expenses such as food has been having an impact nationally as well as locally.
  32. Report -

    Read about our Enter and View visit to Springfield Village in November 2023 where we spoke to service users, carers, staff and others about the redevelopment.
  33. News -

    Mental health enables people to cope with everyday life. Our mental health is important to handle stress, ability to learn, work, and contribute to our community. It’s an integral part of health and well-being and impacts the ability to make decisions, build relationships and can shape the world we live in. Having positive mental health or access to resources to help improve our mental health should be a basic human right as it impacts us personally, socially, our community and our development.
  34. News -

    Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be caused naturally and by human activity. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land and can greatly impact the health of human-beings causing respiratory issues and other diseases.
  35. News -

    The NHS report that around 1 in 5 women will develop mental health issues when they’re pregnant or in the first year after the baby is born.
  36. Report -

    Read about the Healthy Place, Healthy Weight project - A collaborative, whole system approach to tackle childhood and family obesity in Wandsworth.
  37. News -

    Healthwatch Sutton, together with the other Healthwatch organisations in South West London (Healthwatch Croydon, Merton, Kingston, Richmond, Wandsworth), are currently working with patients, carers, and GP practices on a project about the Accessible Information Standard.
  38. Report -

    Read our report on patient experience of the Community Diagnostic Centre at Queen Mary's Hospital in Roehampton.
  39. Advice and Information -

    The NHS App allows you to access a range of NHS services. You can download the NHS App on your phone or tablet. You can also access the same services in a web browser by logging in through the NHS website.

    You must be aged 13 or over to use the NHS App. You also need to be registered with a GP surgery in England or the Isle of Man.
  40. Report -

    Read about the current state of mental health and homelessness in Wandsworth. We are grateful to the people with lived experience who shared their stories, and to the organisations we spoke with who are supporting people experiencing homelessness.
  41. Report -

    Read about our 2024 Healthwatch Assembly focused on accessing non-urgent care.
  42. News -

    Mental health is an incredibly important topic. Encouraging children and young people to think about their mental health and wellbeing are vital skills you can teach them from a young age. As parents and carers, there are ways you can support children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. It’s important to learn how to spot the signs when children are struggling and learn how to help them have good mental health. It is equally important to have good self-care tools as a parent/carer to look after your own mental health while caring for others.
  43. News -

    Stress is something we all feel sometimes, and some stress is normal. However, when it becomes regular and makes day-to-day tasks feel impossible to handle, that’s when we need to take appropriate actions to help us better manage it.
  44. News -

    I’m Dominic and I’ve been working at Wandsworth Care Alliance as a Mental Health Project Manager since September 2022. Mental Health Awareness Week is on 13th -19th May and has a theme of movement so I wanted to speak about enhancing mental well-being through physical activity and connections.
  45. News -

    Community champions are volunteers helping people in Wandsworth to be happier and healthier by talking about preventable illnesses, encouraging the use of health services, and telling authorities what works for real people. This way, locals can get the help they need before illness becomes more serious and potentially life-threatening.
  46. Blog -

    We are tracking how the Adult Mental Health Care Transformation could make a difference to patients. Find out more below.
  47. News -

    Children and young people are the most vulnerable members of our society, yet many continue to suffer in silence from various forms of violence and abuse.

    This topic requires urgent attention and action from individuals and communities. By shedding light on this problem and working together to address it’s root causes, we can create safer environments where children and young people can thrive.

    Violence and abuse against children and young people can take many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse, as well as neglect.